I totally understand where you are coming from, cause I have been there, and sometimes still am. After my surgery 3 month ago, I thought was this really worth it? Why did I put myself through this? If you want some things added to the "I wish I knew" list, well, here are some, at least for me. I didn't start to feel "better" until about 6 weeks out. One day I felt absolutely miserable and the next day, felt 10x's better and feeling just about normal. I heard it would just be like that but didn't believe it until it happened. That was how it was until I started to eating solids again. My suggestion is to please make sure you follow what your Nut/nutrionist tells you to do. Eat slowly, small bites, shred as much food as you can. The only time I still regret this surgery is when I don't follow those instructions and food gets stuck. No ones fault by my own. But most of the days, I am so grateful for having this done. I am 70lbs lighter and still amazed at how I am changing. Being very heavy, heavier then alot of people on here, I finally have found some hope for me and my future with my family. I am going to Disney in Sept. Last time I went was 5 yrs ago with my daughter. I couldn't go on some of the rides with her cause I didn't fit. It was embarrasing and very depressing. With this up coming trip, I KNOW I will fit in the plane seat, I KNOW I will fit in the rides COMFORTABLY, I know I won't be the heaviest person on the trip, I KNOW I will look ALOT better in a bathing suit, I KNOW I will be able to walk the part and not have to ride in an automated chair. Basically, all of this to say, Yes there are some trials that you are going through and will still go through, it won't be easy but trust me, if you keep your eye on the prize, it will all be worth it. I really hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck. Please keep us up to date on how your doing